Tomorrow I go back to work. I actually worked for a few hours on Friday but work was light so I'm counting this weekend as a continuation of vacay:)
To take full advantage of the perfect winter weather (not too cold but plenty of good snow), I went out to Rockford and cross-county skied with my folks. My Dad is an avid cross-county skier- he does ski races (including marathons) like the Birkebeiner, and pretty much skies every chance he gets. On the other hand, this was only the 3rd time my Mom has cross-country skied. And she did a great job! I hope she's going to come out with us again!
I was too cold/lazy/forgot my camera to take pictures today so these are pictures of my Dad, Adam and my cousin Karin at Rock Cut State Park (where we skied today) back in 2007.
After skiing, we headed over to visit with my Grandma and Grandpa. You may recall that my Grandma had cardiac bypass surgery a few months back. She's had a complicated course including a broken hip! This is the first time I've been able to see her since the surgeries. She looked GREAT! Up and about, appeared energetic, basically seemed like her old self. She was saying that she really likes physical therapy, which is great! I also got to see my cousins and my aunt and uncle who I haven't seen in months and months. It was so good to catch up. I hope we get to see each other more often that we did in 2010!
Great last vacation day. Back to the grind tomorrow. Hopefully, the routine of exercise/work/home/exercise/sleep (yes, my life is that boring!) will be easy to hop into and my diet (healthful and sparing) will naturally fall back into place!
Have a good week, everybody!
Going back to work after a break is always hard for me, but at least you were able to get a lot of great stuff done during the vacation - marathon in Hawaii, cross-country skiing, .....