Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Things Thursday

This is my first foray into the bloggy trend of "Three Things Thursday" and since I have three (unrelated) things to say, it seems appropriate:)

1. Well folks, I'm full. All it took was this:

and now I need to return to eating healthfully and sparingly. Until 5/28 when I will carbo load for the Madison Marathon on 5/29! Until then, though, I MUST get back into good eating habits. I've been deviating for way too long. For inspiration, I re-read my review of Matt Fitzgerald's book, Racing Weight. And I'm going to go back to logging my eats in a food journal. I'm going to use the free program at SparkPeople this time. This is a challenging time for a diet re-boot since I'm going to work nights for the next 7 nights, 7pm to 7am. Ug. But, the good thing is, I will be having 2 breakfasts- when I wake up in the afternoon and before I go to bed in the morning, and 1 dinner. I tend to eat less calories at breakfast than at lunch so this might work in my favor. For dinner, I'm going to rely heavily on this:

1 serving of Barilla plus= 210 calories including 17g protein and 7g of fiber-- not bad for pasta!
1 tbsp of earth balance= 34 calories
4 tbsp of parmesan= 40 calories
TOTAL= ~300 calories!

This plus 2 healthy breakfasts and 1-2 healthy snacks should keep me under 1400 cal/day. Well, only if I successfully back away from the cheetohs! I will, I will.

2. I didn't put my contacts in before my run this evening but it was just as well because it was so darn foggy! My sunglasses fogged up immediately and even w/ them off I could only see 5 feet in front of me! It was fun. What usually looks like this outside my living room window:

looked this this:


3. In addition to my diet improvements, I need some daily exercise to keep me sane while I'm up all night. I will be intermittently busy throughout the night. There is usually not enough time to sleep but there will be 20 mins of free time here or there. So.....I'm going to spend them w/ Jillian. Jillian Michaels, that is.

That's it for now! Stay tuned for my 10 in 10 goal for the first week in June.....

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