California: Big Sur International Marathon: Running on the Edge of the Western World
This is one of the 'big 10' marathons on most
marathoners' life lists. This amazingly beautiful, amazingly hilly thus amazingly TOUGH course follows Highway One along the California coast from Big Sur to Carmel. Highway One is the nation's first nationally designated Scenic Highway. And for good reason. Adam and I traveled in this area on our honeymoon and the view from our convertible of the rocky cliffs w/ ocean waves crashing below was beautiful. I'll bet running it will be just as beautiful, plus I'll be "earning" every view by getting there w/ my own feet! My running buddy, Sara, will be moving to San Francisco next year so this will be a great excuse to make this race happen!

Beaver Island is a wonderful island in Lake Michigan, usually accessed by ferry from Charlevoix, MI. Many of the islands' residents are relatives of our friend Jay, so his family has vacationed there yearly for most of his life. Adam has tagged along a few times, and actually had his Bachelor's party there. I've been there 2 times now, which is enough to appreciate the charms of a remote island that just got its first paved road in the 1990s. They had their inaugural marathon in 2009. Hopefully, it will be a yearly tradition at least until I can get there to run it!
Ah, yes, the holy grail of marathons. One day, I hope to qualify for this elite race. In my current age group, to qualify for Boston, I would need to run a marathon in 3 hours and 45 minutes, which is 8:26/mile pace. My current best for a marathon is nowhere near that. My goal for Chicago on 10/10/10 is 4:15 which is a 9:44/mile pace. So I have a llloooonnnnggg way to go to to improve enough to qualify for Boston. I've been very encouraged by the improvements I've made over the past year. I haven't been trying to get faster per se, just more fit, but I've definitely improved in speed and endurance, surprising myself with a 2:00:19 (9:07/mile) half marathon in May. I think I'm going to try to get Boston ready while my friend Tsoni (from the Purple Pig blog) still lives in Boston, which is just 3 more years. It's always good to have local supporters who can spectate. We'll see!
So I guess technically, when all is said and done, I will have to run 51 in 51 but that doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? So DC will be 51, but it can't be skipped! Good thing there is such a popular, much-loved marathon in the District of Columbia! I've heard wonderful things about this race- the Marine volunteers are great, the scenery is incredible (worth bringing a camera on the run), and the spectators rival Chicago (not sure I believe that one). Since my brother is a Marine, this seems like the perfect DC marathon for me!
Rhode Islan
d is one of those states (like North Dakota and Nebraska) that is often overlooked. But I hear it's beautiful. It ranked #4 on Runner's Worlds Best Marathons of 2010 list. I did the whole google earth thing on the course map and it does look pretty incredible. Almost all of the course is along the coast line. Count me in! I may even be able to swing it this year if we head out that way for vacation in October......

Gotta do New York. It's a must. Probably won't do it for a few years becau
se I imagine it's going to be one heck of an expensive trip, but I'll get to it sooner or later! It's one of the 5 "World Marathon Majors". The World Marathon Majors was started in 2006. Basically, it is a series of marathons (Chicago, New York, Boston, London and Berlin) that offers $1 million prize money to be split equally b/t the top male and female marathoners in the world. What that means for the layrunner like myself is that they are super big, super well run, and super well funded races that attract a very elite filed of runners and thus masses of spectators. Sounds good to me!

Obviousely, there are many more races to be run in addition to the above. And there will be some very boring states (Kansas comes to mind) that have to be dealt with. So keep in mind which states you'd like to visit and maybe you can use spectating for me as an excuse to travel;)
And when this is done, I can start working on the 7 continents.....(yes, there is a marathon in Antarctica).
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